About Us

A joint project of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and Virginia Employment Lawyers Association. It is designed to provide general education information to workers, offer ways that people of faith and goodwill can stand against wage theft, and connect workers who have been victims of wage theft with attorneys who might review their individual situations.

Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) is a non-partisan coalition of 23,000 members including 800 faith communities and more than 1,000 clergy of all faiths and people of goodwill, all working for a more just society. VICPP is a faith-based advocacy organization, not a social service one. We engage people of faith and goodwill in advocating economic, racial, social justice in Virginia's policies and practices through education, prayer and action.
To learn more about VICPP, check out our WEBSITE. To join our email list to get updates on events, action alerts, and more, sign up HERE.

Virginia Employment Lawyers Association
The Virginia Employment Lawyer’s Association (VELA) is the Virginia chapter of the National Employment Lawyer’s Association (NELA). The mission for VELA is to empower workers’ rights attorneys through legal training, promoting a fair judiciary and advocating laws and policies that level the playing field for workers. VELA is the best source for attorneys that have experience in and are committed to representing Virginia workers in wage theft and other employment claims. Firms/individuals listed on this website are VELA members.
If you would like to join VELA and be eligible to be listed on this website, please check out our website.